Tonight my dear Benedetta from Perugia told me that she really likes what I write on my blog. I haven’t written anything for a while,…
Интервью и книги Матса Ведерхуса
Tonight my dear Benedetta from Perugia told me that she really likes what I write on my blog. I haven’t written anything for a while,…
Этот семестр в МГИМО прошел слишком быстро. В общей сложности я провел почти год в Москве, и это был самый сложный год в моей академической…
Неофициальное блюдо Норвегии – пицца. Замороженная пицца была изобретена американцами, и привезена в Норвегию в семьдесятых. Но в Норвегии мы не просто едим пиццу любого типа. Мы…
When I arrived in Moscow I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Unfortunately, I wasn’t well prepared. I knew life would be hard, but I…
It isn’t easy to hide the fact that Russians have a reputation for being … thirsty. Of course, here, like in other countries, there are…
The day before yesterday I bought a frying pan at one of the shops just off the local subway station, Yugo Zapadnaya (South West). It…
Russian President Vladimir Putin has a joke he likes to tell; A man arrives at Lubyanka (KGB headquarters) saying: – I’m a spy, I want…
Today I visited Isaac Cathedral in St. Petersburg and then went to take a sun bath in a park close to my hotel. Here are…
So yesterday I got tired of the internet not working on my floor, and I investigated the issue using the Russian I knew and had…