I’ve experienced a once in a lifetime experience! Trondheim Symphony Orchestra arranged a viewing of the Norwegian movie Kon Tiki, while playing the soundtrack.
The film is about Norwegian explorer, ethnographer, author and artist Thor Heyerdahls expedition across the Pacific Ocean on the raft Kon Tiki.

The voyage took him and five others from Calao in Peru to Raroia in French Polynesia, and Thor Heyerdahl proved something in which noone believed: that ancient man saw oceans as pathways, not barriers.
He’s one of my idols, precisely because he dared when nobody else believed, and because he was multi talented and one of the few Norwegians ever to have shaped world history. Amongst a people counting (at the time) barely four million, that’s not a small feat! The movie’s music is awe inspiring, and composed by the swede Johan Söderqvist. It can’t really be described, it has to be experienced. Suffice it to say that the main theme is played on a conch shell.
On another note, the film was nominated for an Academy Award for best foreign movie the year of its release. If you’ve yet to see it, you have something really great to look forward to!
At one stage in my life, I dreamt of being Thor Heyerdahl. Nowadays I’m happy if I manage to become a shred of the man he was.
He’s one of the reasons I’m alive, because he taught me how to dream. And the movie is a reminder of just that: without dreams, you are nothing.
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