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A good debut


Skyggejakten by Jørgen Jæger is a crime novel about the policeman Ole Vik. It is the first book about the policeman, and it was published in 2003.

The book revolves around a case where the paranoid and schizophrenic scrap dealer Ingolf Holgersen apparently killed his own maid.

Because of his condition, it is difficult, if not impossible, to prove what happened, and Ole Vik has an intriguing case in front of him. The case will turn out to throw suspicion on employees in his own staff, which gets Vik to start doubting whom he surrounds himself with.

Although I personally miss some action scenes in this book, Jørgen Jæger has done a thorough job and has managed to create a good crime drama.

I have a little trouble identifying myself with Ole Vik, because he is much older than me, but in spite of this I managed to stay around  until the end of this mystery.

His characters are well constructed and it is easy to emphasize with the psychology of the various characters. A negative aspect is Jæger’s narrative style, which is often a little slow and characterized by a somewhat old vocabulary.

But all in all, this book is recommended for people who like Nordic crime fiction.

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