Thought I’d write a little bit about my other project. It is a book aimed at tweens, and I started writing it in the summer…
Interviews and books by Mats Vederhus
Interviews and books by Mats Vederhus
Thought I’d write a little bit about my other project. It is a book aimed at tweens, and I started writing it in the summer…
I’m currently reading David Lagercrantz‘ highly anticipated and heavily debated book. So far, I’m really enjoying it, as the suspense is just beginning to build,…
Last night, as I read and explained some chapters of Trouble in Trondheim: Bikers and Gangsters to my brother, he pointed out to me that…
So today I arrived in Tallin. My hotel turned out to be conventiently located smack in the middle of the centre of the city, only…