My new book has been under way since this summer, and is finally ready to be revealed to the world! đ
As per usual, janielescueta has done an absolutely gobsmacking job with the cover – he exceeded my expectations and then some. If you’re looking for a cover artist, look no further.
With that out of the way, here is the prologue for the new book. I hope you’ll enjoy it! đ
A black Mercedes Maybach Pullman pulled up outside 34-35 New Bond Street, London. The creamy white marble facade with two showcase windows on the ground floor housed one of the most fashionable auction houses in London.
From between the second and third floors glistened gold letters which formed the name “Sotheby’s” in the rain. A man wearing black bowler hat and coat stepped out of the driver’s seat. He closed the door behind him and walked with determined steps to the back door which was situated nearly five meters behind the front of the car. As he opened it, he bowed and said, “Welcome, sir!”
– Thanks!
The man answered and went out of the car was light brown skin and had black, curly hair lying in a neat bundle on top of his head. He was wearing a tan leather jacket under if he wore a dark blue polo shirt and an orange t-shirt.
Around the neck, he had a green cotton scarf that stood in stark contrast to glasses with black frames which he wore at the tip of the nose.
He arrived at the stately black doors with gold handles that constituted the entrance to the Sotheby’s auction house. There, a tall man wearing a black coat and top hat greeted him.
– Please hurry, sir, he said in a perfect Cockney accent. “The auction begins in five minutes!”
– Thanks, said the man with the green scarf. I guess I have a reserved seat?
– Of course, answered the tall one and opened one of the black doors. “Welcome!”
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