“Look!” Enoch shouted, standing up in the boat next to ours. “It’s disappearing!”
A spectral fog enshrouded the island, blanking it from view, and we broke from rowing to watch it fade. “Say goodbye to our island,” Emma said, standing and removing her big hat. “We may never see it again.”
“Farewell, island,” said Hugh.
“You were so good to us.”
Horace set his oar down and waved. “Goodbye, house. I shall miss all your rooms and gardens, but most of all I shall miss my bed.”
“So long, loop,” Olive sniffled. “Thank you for keeping us safe all these years.”
“Good years,” said Bronwyn. “The best I’ve known.”

In the second book in the series about Miss Peregrine and her peculiar children, author Ransom Riggs has the kids leaving their safe island in search for their mistress.
The book is a lot darker than the first one in places, Jacob’s relationship with Emma is solidified much more than in the first book, and Jacob comes to find out much more about who he is in this book.
This book also properly introduces the main villain of the series, Caul. He’s just as nasty and despicable as you could expect if you read the first book. The book has a lot more of what made the first book great: peculiarity, pictures, action and excitement.
Basically: if you liked the first one, you’ll like this one. If you loved the first one, you’ll devour this one!
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